1. Some measurements on C++ std container operations
  2. Playground for GCC compiler collection extensions to the C/C++ language
  3. Application for playing around with random number generators (RNGs) to generate pixel noise
  4. Windows application to compute Mandelbrot set in an obfuscated manner
  5. Computation of the machine epsilon (macheps) with 128-bit floating point type
  6. Computation of the machine epsilon
  7. Proof of concept of a calculator keyboard
  8. Test of ferrite antennas for receiving VLF signals
  9. My first self-made Royer oscillator
  10. My second self-made Royer oscillator
  11. A collection of self-made ring oscillators
  12. rc4 stream cipher implementation and corresponding tests
  13. Proof of concept connecting ATmega644 with the good old 80287 math coprocessor
  14. My home-made crystal oscillators
  15. A C++ generator for x86 assembly code and corresponding tests
  16. Another one simple 4-bit CPU written in VHDL
  17. Another one simple 8-bit CPU written in VHDL
  18. Remote Audio Recorder
  19. My Telegram bot for starting/stopping various tasks
  20. A collection of antennas I was lucky to spot
  21. 2.8 GHz prescaler with MCP12079 and LT1016
  22. 1.1 GHz prescaler with U813BS (Telefunken) and BF1009SW
  23. A collection of LC oscillators
  24. 64-bit xorshift random number generator functions (in x86 assembly language)
  25. CPUID command line interface (64-bit) for Intel CPUs
  26. Simple digital-to-analog controller with ATmega8515 for audio playback from external EPROM
  27. My first self made calculator with ATmega162 and SCD5583A as a display
  28. My first EPROMs programmer with ATmega644, PIO 8255 and other TTL logic ICs
  29. My second EPROMs programmer with ATmega8515 only
  30. My digital clock with Altera's CPLD EPM3064 and 8 digits 7-segment display hh:mm:ss.ds
  31. Direct digital synthesizer (DDS) with ATmega8515, Xilinx XC9572 CPLD and SDA5708-24B display
  32. Frequency counter implemented with CPLD EPM3064 only and HDSP-2113 display
  33. Small test application for playing with CLFLUSH instruction available on more or less up to date x86 Intel CPUs
  34. Simple Collatz sequence generator in VHDL
  35. Frequency counter implemented with ATmega8515, CPLD EPM3064 and SCD5583 display